Sunday, 22 May 2011

Casino Winnings Secrets Revealed

... If You're Not Interested in Retiring from Work Within a Year (Like I Did), You Should NOT Read Any Further.

This is VERY confidential stuff and I only want serious people sharing in what I'm about to reveal...

There's nothing illegal or even unethical about this, but I'm about to expose some truly shocking news which strikes to the heart of Vegas and the world of sports betting... and unlocks access to wealth you never imagined!

Please; you must understand, the 'pros' that dominate Vegas and the online sports betting industry would NOT be at all happy with me if they knew what I was about to tell you -- if they even got the slightest whiff I was about to offer you a piece of the action... because that's considered to be reserved for, well, the 'elite pros'.

That's why we have to tread carefully, as you'll see...

I successfully gate-crashed their little party and can now empower YOU to follow in my footsteps to fast retirement...

Revealed: Why the So-Called Betting 'Experts'Have Been Selling You Lies... The Real 'Pros' Quietly Play a Different Game with Different Rules...

Why My Humble Background Has Opened The Door of Opportunity Wide for YOU...The Backdoor into Their 'Elite Club'

It Turned Out to Be Easier -- MUCH EASIER!

You see, when I started applying similar mathematical probability formulas to sports betting -- I was able to eliminate 80-90% of the losing possibilities, OFTEN IN A MATTER OF MINUTES.

Imagine... two people are trying to pick out the winning horse in a 10 horse race. One person is forced to choose between all 10 horses... but the other has a way of accurately narrowing it down to the only two horses with a chance to win.

Which person will be more successful? THE SECOND PERSON, OF COURSE! And while that's an oversimplified example... it doesn't take a genius to see that when you have a way of mathematically eliminating a large number of the betting possibilities... your odds of winning skyrocket.

Needless to say, my income didn't drop when I made the move from Wall Street to sports betting. In fact, it multiplied.

I Was Raking In Way More Money than I EVER Had Made On Wall Street!


Damn. I couldn't believe how naive I was! You see, my friend ONLY bet when he had reliable "information" that a sporting event would turn out a certain way.

No, I'm not talking about fixes. (That's illegal.) Instead, I'm talking about real tips and behind-the-scenes "intelligence" about factors that dramatically influence the outcome of the sporting event. You see, it turns out ALL the top pros bet like this... they never bet "blind." That's for suckers and amateurs.

I was STUNNED. I felt so dumb. Yet in that same moment -- I had easily the hugest "aha" moment I've ever had in my career while thinking...


"What if I combined my success with using probability formulas...

with the kind of 'information' my insider friend was using to bet?"

And what if I ONLY made selections that met both my mathematical criteria PLUS the kind of exclusive information that only the most elite gamblers have access!

This was the single biggest breakthrough of my entire career...

Imagine Knowing Of A Casino Where The Dealer Tipped His Hand Before You Made Your Move and Didn't Care How Many Times You Beat Him. When Would You Stop Going There?
Get Rich Like The Pros Do

Here's Everything You Receive the Moment You Join Us

First off, please know that I'm not some guy living in his mother's basement... who just happens to think he's a betting genius and gives picks over the internet!

Nope, this is my business -- it's why I left Wall Street, and when it comes to business... I don't mess around. Just look at this image (below) of just one of our "intelligence centers"... we have a team working around the clock to gather key information and also crunch numbers. I don't know anyone else with all these advantages in place...

One of our Intelligence Centers

But still, it's what you actually receive as member of The Vegas Nightmare Sports Betting System that's most important...

- For starters, you'll immediately receive a private SMS to your mobile phone welcoming you to your exclusive membership, in addition an email from client services...

single most important part of your membership is what we call " today's selections"-- which gives you the recommended picks for the day. This is the real "meat" of the system, it's what my team and I work so hard to provide you. Note: There's no guesswork at all here, it's all crystal clear-- so that it's as easy as possible for you to make money...

- In this private message that you receive direct to you mobile & email, we will give you 3-6 picks per day which are rated based on computed levels of confidence. These picks cover many different types of sports, depending on the season-- and are enough to give you tons of different profit opportunities each week...

- In addition to that, you'll also have access to our recent results and overall track record -- just so that you have even more proof and confidence in the recommendations...

The Vegas Nightmare Members Glimpse

- Another powerful tool you'll instantly receive upon joining us is our proprietary "risk calculator" -- which helps you determine what your own personal risk threshold is. This alone is worth the price of membership, because it helps ensure you never take unnecessary risks and always come out ahead at the end of the day, week and month...

- And last but not least -- just so that there's absolutely no confusion about anything -- you'll also immediately receive our powerful Quickstart Guide. This 1-2-3 guide makes profiting from the system ridiculously easy, and we created it for that very reason

As a new member you get all this and more -- IMMEDIATELY -- when you join us. And if you've read enough and you're ready to start making money with the system, you can do so by clicking on this button below. Registration takes just minutes -- and you could be making money as soon as tonight!

Add To Cart!

Need more convincing? Well, there's no other way of making money I know of that gives you the opportunities and potential freedom that come with sports betting...

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